Orsolya Faludi

Coach, Mentor, Facilitator

About me

You just have to want it more than you fear it….

This sentence has been my companion throughout my life, whatever I have done. I’ve been terrified by almost every step I took, but I always looked fear in the eye and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. So when you say you have a challenge, I feel you...As my primary profession, I lead product and business development at a tech company. I enjoy the creative opportunities of the business world, and given my background in sociology, I have a special eye for human interactions and social behaviour.The transformative experience of becoming a mother redirected my focus from the heights of the career ladder towards the depth and breadth of personal development. I took a sabbatical and embarked on a quest for self-mastery. Along this journey, I acquired coach training and I explored various techniques that unlock the power of the mind. These included Jose Silva's mind control methods, altering brainwaves, accessing different states of consciousness, breathwork, entering hypnotic trances, NLP, and engaging in energy work.

As Churchill put it, never let a good crisis go to waste.

I firmly believe that our lowest moments hold the greatest opportunities for growth and transformation. Both in business and in coaching, my passion lies in shifting perspectives and achieving breakthrough moments. As I continue on my journey, I am dedicated to extending a helping hand to others on their path of self-discovery and personal evolution.

Let’s get in touch. Reach out to me on the following:


"Our greatest battles are that with our own minds" (Jameson Frank)

When is coaching the right option for you?Most of the time, we can all make perfect sense of our lives. And then there are the times when we are stuck. We lack clarity on where we want to go, or we feel something is holding us back, but we don't know what it is. When we feel powerless, or despite our best efforts we seem to make no progress.Coaching can help you get new perspectives. Even if you are looking at the same thing, you’ll see something different, you’ll uncover different dimensions of the same reality. It provides structure, helping you to distinguish what truly matters from what doesn't, and understand your reasons behind this.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right

Coaching helps you release hidden anchors, lighten your load, set your sails and ride the wind. Each session moves you closer to self-awareness and achieving your goals. Challenges become growth opportunities leading you to your favorite life and your favorite version of yourself.

Changing the world outside starts with an internal shift.Allow me to accompany you on this journey. Start with a free intro call.

Coaching sessions: 150 EUR/50 min


They say experience is a hard teacher; it gives you the test first, and the lesson afterwards.

Mentoring as a path to growthI firmly believe that every challenge we face is a great opportunity to learn. Throughout my life, I’ve navigated steep learning curves, and I’m open to share the valuable lessons I’ve learned from these experiences.I offer mentoring on the following themes:

  • Career Planning & Advancement

  • Navigating the Workplace for Women

  • Work-Life Balance

  • Motherhood and Working Parent Challenges

  • Midlife Crisis

  • Emotional and Mental Aspects of Health Issues

  • Death & Loss

Coaching vs. Mentoring: What's Best for You?In mentoring, you get all the great tools coaching offers, plus access to my insights on specific themes. Coaching is structured and goal-oriented, helping you find your own answers. Mentoring, however, allows to share my learnings directly, suggest resources, provide feedback or point you to experts. While coaching focuses on achieving your goals, mentoring emphasizes on understanding your situation and strengthening your identity.

"To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it."
(Wilson Mizner)
Book a free intro call to explore how we can turn your challenges into opportunities for growth.

Mentoring sessions: 150 EUR/50 min


Facilitating is the art of keeping the delicate balance between the free flow of thoughts and a focused dialogue

When is a facilitator the key to success?Throughout my career, I have successfully facilitated a wide array of conversations like research focus groups, corporate workshops, 1on1 interviews, event roundtables and TED Circle discussions.As your moderator, I bring strategic questioning, empathy and the ability to manage diverse perspectives.If you are looking to elevate your conversations or engage your audience, reach out for:

  • Workshop and discussion facilitation

  • Roundtable and session moderation

  • Interviewing

I’m available for both in-person and virtual events.
Specific pricing is agreed upon each request.

Pro bono

On the journey of rediscovering myself and the world, I've begun exploring the impact of generosity. My commitment to offering pro bono coaching & mentoring to those who might not otherwise have access is not just about me giving back, but it's also about creating a ripple of positive energy in the world.

Are you dreaming of growth, but facing obstacles?
Consider applying for one of the limited pro bono coaching/mentoring spots available.

Mothers, with their unique role and impact on the world, are especially dear to me, so I’m giving special consideration to them in my pro bono services.